
Here we give you an outline of the district of Campo in Cameroon in order to emphazing various problems related to medical cares that face these populations, in particular pregnants women and mothers in need. Campo is a small municipality localited in the far south of Cameroun on the edges of Atlantic Ocean. With its 15 000 inhabitants in where live autochton ethnic groups Mvaé, Iyassa, Mabi and the Bayélis (pygmies) spread on 21 villages in term of health plan


The bad road network specialy in rain seasons make life difficult to those populations.

A situation that isolated them from the rest of the world during days, weeks and even months. 

The district has a public dispensary supervised by two Doctors. The dispensary can accomodate 40 beds who has been drastically reducte to 12 beds, a number largely exceed in consideration of the reals needs of the populations. The radius of action of the dispensary is 80 km, which it is never reach.

Access to health care for the local population, in particular pregnant women, mothers and children remains a real handicap due to the dilapidated state of the premises. The obsolescence of technical platforms, the lack of basic medical equipment, the lack of medicines. In addition to this, the lack of quality and quantity of health care personnel, difficulties that prevent any effective care of patients. 




The delivering room and operating room

The remoteness areas of some communities from the dispensary site, such as the Bayelis women (or pygmies) who mostly live in the forest, and the lack of means of transportation remain a real handicap to the access to health care for these communities.  Our dearest wish is to allow these populations to have at least access to basic cares. Cares that every human being is entitled to.

Let's make their health our priority, ASMEC is for access to medical care of the most deprived women and children

To Understand our approach

Siège social : 9 A rue de Normandie 67540 Ostwald France

contact :

+33) 07 67 85 98 31



Numéro Siret  909 205 999 00016

ASMEC est membre

Association de droit local