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Legal informations
ASMEC is a humanitarian association law 1908 non-profit, whose purpose is to help the most deprived women and child of the district of Campo in Cameroon. Association registred at the district court of Illkirch-Graffenstaden in France. Under references volume 45 Folio 51. Of articles 21 to 79 IV of civil local code maintained in force in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle.
ASMEC : Association of mother and child health of Campo (Cameroon)
Our purpose
Our main goal is to give to the most deprived pregnant women, mothers and children of the distric of Campo (Cameroun) a possibility to have acces to health care.
To every woman and young girls by helping them to have obstétrical follow-up,
to pregnant women by helping them to have prenatal medical follow-up,
to mothers and children by helping them to have a follow-up after childbirth.
And for this, our wish is to outfit the maternity ward of the dispensary of Campo (Cameroon) with medico-technical tools wich are essential to medical care.
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Siège social : 9 A rue de Normandie 67540 Ostwald France
contact :
+33) 07 67 85 98 31
Numéro Siret 909 205 999 00016
Association de droit local